
目前显示的是 八月, 2022的博文

"The Fusion of Cultures"

"The Fusion of Cultures" Author: Wu Siyuan Realistic meaning 1. It can provide more employment opportunities for the society. Different cultures often have their own things that are unique to outsiders (either material, spiritual, behavioral, etc.), which can give rise to or enrich related industry. Things like computers, cars, ships, airplanes, telephones, etc. were all unimaginable to the ancients, and these things were brought by Western culture and created various employment opportunities. 2. People's material and spiritual lives can be enriched. In ancient times, people had few pastimes: playing the flute, playing the erhu, singing, playing the guzheng, playing chess, reading, painting, writing poetry, fishing, drinking, growing flowers, and tasting tea, basically that's all. Nowadays, with the introduction of various Western musical instruments (such as piano, violin, guitar, saxophone, etc.),  the invention of various electronic products (such as video recorder

"Climate war"

"Climate War" Author: Wu Siyuan Global warming is on an irreversible path, and there is not much time left for human beings... To reduce global temperature, the only way is to reduce the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere - there are two ways to achieve this goal, the first is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and the second is to solidify the carbon in the atmosphere, and then deep landfill. Unfortunately, the above solutions are almost impossible to achieve: on the one hand, the cost is high, and on the other hand, countries around the world are not united. Note 1: Will things improve after the "artificial sun" comes out? No, because oil and natural gas are not only used as fuels, but also as raw materials for many compounds (such as plastics, fertilizers, synthetic fibers, etc.) and chemicals. In the foreseeable future, hot weather will make some areas uninhabitable - this is a global, systemic, no-smoke war, and only the winner will survive. How should t


 《气候战争》 作者:伍思源   全球气候变热已在不可逆转的路上,留给人类的时间不多了…   要想气温降下来,只能减少大气中的二氧化碳含量——办法有两个,其一,减少二氧化碳的排放,其二,把大气中的碳元素固化,然后深度填埋,怎么来的怎么回去。   遗憾的是,上述办法都几无可能实现:成本高不说,关键还不齐心…    注一:人造太阳出来了,事情会不会有所改善?不会,因为石油、天然气的作用不仅仅是作为燃料,还是很多化合物(如塑料、化肥、合成纤维等)、化学品的原材料。   注二:不搞工业化可以吗?不行,落后就要挨打。   在可以预见的将来,高温将会使得一些地区不再适合人类居住——这是一场全球性的,系统性的,没有硝烟的战争,只有赢者才能活下来。   这场仗应该怎么打?   既然全球气温是自己控制不了的,那么就只能控制好自己生活所在地的气温了。   如何控制?   答案:多种树,提高城市的森林覆盖率。    注一:这方面的研究,国内和国外都有很多,用搜索引擎搜索关键字“温度”、“森林覆盖率”、“温差”、“地表温度”等,都可以找到很多研究报告,介绍从略。   注二:树种方面,应选择树冠宽大、蓄水量大的(最好四季常青)   注三:相应地,还要做好城市的规划(街道的宽度,花圃的大小、深度,楼层的间距,水河湖泊的数量等等)    关于碳的回收,做好垃圾的填埋工作还是可以起到一定作用的:   一、首先要把垃圾的分类工作做好,这样可以减少一些资源上的浪费。    注一:怎么分类?我认为分两类就够了,一类是含金属与玻璃的,一类是其它的。   为什么要这样分类?   因为金属与玻璃这两样东西对土壤的污染是最持久的,单独出来便于处理、复用(尤其是金属);分类太多、太细的话,没有可执行性——必须要考虑到人(丢垃圾的人和处理垃圾的环卫工)的素质和惰性。   注二:不同类型的垃圾,必须要用不同类型的环卫工人处理(如果都用同一批工人,那么结果只能是混在一起)——这样做也会让民众觉得垃圾分类是在切切实实地执行的,从而保持好垃圾分类的习惯。   二、然后把垃圾填埋好。    注一:这种填埋虽然不深,但是对于碳元素的回收还是有一定作用的。   注二:垃圾发电不是一个好的办法,会产生大量的二氧化碳。 全文完